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Goodnews River Float Trips

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Goodnews River Float Trip

The Goodnews River is famous for salmon fishing. All five species of Pacific salmon, Dolly Varden, Arctic grayling, and rainbow trout are found in the river. Fishing season is from June to September.

Why Our

Goodnews River Float Fishing Trips

As you bask in the peace and quiet, the sound of the float plane gradually fades away. You look around and appreciate the stunning scenery, the crystal clear waters, and the clean, refreshing air. You quickly realize you're miles away from the hustle and bustle of cities, roads, crowds, and phones. A grin spreads across your face as you think to yourself that this place is incredible and just what you have needed!

Going on a self-contained float trip down one of Alaska's wilderness rivers is an unparalleled experience. But if you're looking for the ultimate Alaska float fishing trip, the Goodnews River should be on your bucket list. It's widely regarded as one of the world's finest fishing destinations. With the expert guidance of our staff here at Alaska Rainbow Adventures, you'll have the adventure of a lifetime.

The Goodnews River flows through the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge and the Togiak Refuge Wilderness area in southwestern Alaska. Commercial float trips on the river are regulated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Alaska Rainbow Adventures has been chosen as the top operator on the Goodnews River, which gives us the advantage of offering you the best available start dates for a float fishing trip on Alaska's Goodnews River!

A Goodnews River Float Trip is an ideal destination for fishing enthusiasts, offering consistent angling opportunities. Whether you're targeting Chinook, Chum, or Sockeye Salmon during early to midsummer, Silver or Coho Salmon in the fall, or the abundant leopard rainbows and dolly varden throughout the season, a Goodnews River Float Trip with Alaska Rainbow Adventures guarantees you an exciting experience! Our float trips are known for providing the most diverse and best fishing opportunities on the Goodnews River.

Our "Alaska Float Fishing Programs" are designed to provide anglers a superior and comfortable Alaskan adventure. With over three decades of experience, we guarantee the best amenities that ensure safety, comfort, and an excellent fishing experience. We offer two fishing programs on the Goodnews River, our Standard style trip for groups of up to eight persons (*see exclusions and details) and returning for 2025 season, the ultimate fishing adventure with our exclusive Fisherman's Deluxe-style trip option.

On our "fisherman's Deluxe" trips, relax and fish; you have limited to no need for involvement with unloading the rafts, moving camp gear, and setting up taking down sleep tents; just fish and enjoy yourself.
This style of trip upgrades your experience and comfort level. It includes a gear boat and extra camp hand/guide. For those of you whose days of tent camping in little tents and sleeping on the ground are behind you, the "accommodations" manufactured here in Alaska for its extreme conditions are like no other you will find anywhere on an Alaska float trip! There is also a custom-built dining tent and screened area that can hold the entire group for dining or as a gathering area. Each tent houses two anglers and is spacious enough to provide ample space for your gear and a comfortable retreat should the weather become inclement. We equip these tents with chairs and comfortable cots, a welcome luxury after a day of fishing. Just toss on "your bag" and enjoy a good night's sleep.
On the water, two anglers and their guide float the river in custom rafts.Each is equipped with front and rear seating, allowing for an exceptional angling experience. The rafts are less heavily loaded, thanks to the additional gear being in a different boat, and are more maneuverable, allowing access to runs you might not otherwise be able to reach. Anglers can rotate guides daily, enabling everyone to fish with each staff member if desired.
To ensure an intimate and personalized experience, we have decided to limit the number of guests to only six persons for the Fisherman's Deluxe Style trips on the Goodnews River. When making your reservation, it is mandatory to reserve all six spaces. This allows us to provide you with an unparalleled level of service and attention. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to indulge in world-class fishing amidst the majestic landscapes of Alaska!

We are now booking trips for the current season through 2027 On the Kanektok and **Goodnews Rivers
**North and Middle Fork Trips Available

*Standard style trips require group participation with some of the activities a float trip entails and has no gear boat or extra guide camp hand.

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Goodnews River Float Trip
Goodnews River Float Fishing Trip
Goodnews River Fishing Trip
Goodnews River Float Fishing Trip
Goodnews River Float Trip
Goodnews River Fishing Trip
Goodnews River Float Trip
Goodnews River Float Fishing Trip
Goodnews River Float Trip
Goodnews River Float Fisning Trips
Goodnews River float fishing trip

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Goodnews River Float Trip
The Fall Extravaganza ~ September 3 to 12, 2025

Don't miss out on the "Fall Extravaganza" - the ultimate gathering of the season! This is your last opportunity to experience all the excitement that a Goodnews River float trip has to offer. Join us for ten days of unforgettable fishing, making memories, and having endless fun. We hope to see you there! The Fall Extravaganza is the final Goodnews angling soiree of the season!

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Goodnews River Float Trip
Goodnews River Float Fishing Trip